F5 Works為香港及全球中小型企業和創業公司提供人工智能,物聯網,區塊鏈,商業自動化相關技術的應用程序,是軟件開發和商業系統方面的專家。

F5 Works
Aspire Event Management
Sammi's FOLLOWMi
develop inEVENT apps for Sammi’s FOLLOWMi 2019 concert to replace traditional flash stick.

By cloud technology, song-related pictures or different colored-light can be displayed simultaneously.

Latest sychronization technologies allow more than 10,000 mobile devices to display the tailored effect in real time.
透過最新同步實時技術,inEVENT APP 令紅館現場超過一萬部手機同時展現預設效果。
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Retrospective: 2 years of F5 Works
March 29, 2018
Learning Web Programming - 1 Month Curriculum
February 20, 2018
5 months at F5 as an intern
May 31, 2017